St. Patrick’s Day Luke 12:1-12
Pastor Brett Peterson
We will talk a little about St. Patrick’s day, and dive into Luke 12:1-12. In this passage, Jesus speaks directly to His disciples, warning them about the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and the coming persecution the church will face. And how, even with faced with death, we must not deny Jesus!
Legalism Luke 11:37-54
Pastor Brett Peterson
Jesus condemns the legalism of the Pharisees and the Scribes. It’s all about love, not legalistic rules of men!!
Luke 11:32-36 This Little Light Of Mine
Pastor Brett Peterson
NOTE: Sound goes off from 7:45 to 10:05 – You won’t miss any of the sermon as Pastor Brett just sand ‘This Little Light of Mine with the congregation as our sound tech fixed the issue. God is light, and as born again believers we become children of light. What does that all mean? Pastor […]
Luke 11:27-32 We Are God’s Family!
Pastor Brett Peterson
Jesus will clarify who His mother, brothers, and sisters are. And we will find they are not just His blood relatives! All who put their faith in Jesus and have His Word, and are obedient to the Word, are part of God’s family!
Luke 11:24-26
Pastor Brett Peterson
Beloved, we live in a world where spiritual darkness seeks to infiltrate every corner of our lives and has infiltrated many churches. In our text today, Jesus describes a scenario of a man who was delivered from an unclean spirit. Yet, rather than filling the void left by its departure with the presence of God, […]
The Unpardonable Sin Luke 11
Pastor Brett Peterson
We will explore a topic of profound significance—one that beckons us to reflect deeply on the nature of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The focus of our text centers on a biblical concept that has intrigued and, at times, troubled the hearts of believers throughout the ages; The unpardonable sin. What does […]
The Lord’s Prayer Luke 11:1-13
Pastor Brett Peterson
This sermon is about understanding and applying the profound teachings of Jesus Christ as he instructs his disciples on how to pray. The Lord’s Prayer, found in Matthew 6:9-13, serves as a foundational guide for believers in approaching God in prayer. The sermon emphasizes the significance of addressing God as our Father, highlighting the intimate […]
Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
brett peterson
Jesus will teach using a real life situation! We have all heard this narrative many times. Mary and Martha! Two women doing radically different things when Jesus comes to their home. And a profound lesson for all of us! Martha set her mind on earthly things, “worried and bothered about so many things.” Mary, on […]
The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
Pastor Brett Peterson
In our text today, we encounter a seeker of eternal life, a lawyer, who poses a significant question to Jesus, asking, ‘Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?’ It is a question that resonates with each of us, for we all seek the assurance of our salvation. But in response, our Lord doesn’t […]
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