Luke 11:24-26
Pastor Brett Peterson
Beloved, we live in a world where spiritual darkness seeks to infiltrate every corner of our lives and has infiltrated many churches. In our text today, Jesus describes a scenario of a man who was delivered from an unclean spirit. Yet, rather than filling the void left by its departure with the presence of God, […]
The Unpardonable Sin Luke 11
Pastor Brett Peterson
We will explore a topic of profound significance—one that beckons us to reflect deeply on the nature of the Trinity – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The focus of our text centers on a biblical concept that has intrigued and, at times, troubled the hearts of believers throughout the ages; The unpardonable sin. What does […]
The Lord’s Prayer Luke 11:1-13
Pastor Brett Peterson
This sermon is about understanding and applying the profound teachings of Jesus Christ as he instructs his disciples on how to pray. The Lord’s Prayer, found in Matthew 6:9-13, serves as a foundational guide for believers in approaching God in prayer. The sermon emphasizes the significance of addressing God as our Father, highlighting the intimate […]
Mary and Martha Luke 10:38-42
brett peterson
Jesus will teach using a real life situation! We have all heard this narrative many times. Mary and Martha! Two women doing radically different things when Jesus comes to their home. And a profound lesson for all of us! Martha set her mind on earthly things, “worried and bothered about so many things.” Mary, on […]
The Good Samaritan Luke 10:25-37
Pastor Brett Peterson
In our text today, we encounter a seeker of eternal life, a lawyer, who poses a significant question to Jesus, asking, ‘Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?’ It is a question that resonates with each of us, for we all seek the assurance of our salvation. But in response, our Lord doesn’t […]
Salvation by Faith or Salvation by Fate? Luke 10:22
Pastor Brett Peterson
Daisy vs Tulip. The great debate. And in a world filled with uncertainty and turmoil, it is essential to turn to the unchanging and unwavering Word of God to find hope, purpose, and direction. Today, we gather here to explore a profound truth that is woven throughout the pages of Scripture, a truth that speaks […]
Luke 10 vs 17 to 21 The Book of Life
Pastor Brett Peterson
Luke 10:20, Jesus reminds us, “Nevertheless, do not rejoice that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are recorded in heaven.” This underscores the supremacy of our salvation in Christ over any other achievement or blessing. We find our greatest joy in the fact that our names are recorded in heaven, […]
Luke 10:1-16 The Harvest is Plentiful but the Workers are Few
Pastor Brett Peterson
The harvest field of souls in need of salvation is abundant, and it is our divine commission to bring Jesus into the lives of those who are seeking hope and purpose. Just as farmers labor diligently in their fields, we must toil in the spiritual harvest, sowing the seeds of God’s Word and reaping souls […]
Luke 9:48-62 What It Takes To Be A Follower of Christ and Sukkot
Pastor Brett Peterson
Following Christ is not without its challenges and sacrifices, but the blessings and joy that come with it far outweigh any difficulties. It is a journey filled with purpose, peace, love, and the promise of an everlasting relationship with our Savior. As we navigate our journey of faith, may we always keep our eyes fixed […]
Luke 9:43-48 Pride and Humility
Pastor Brett Peterson
Humility is a virtue that has the capacity to transform lives, mend broken relationships, and draw us closer to the very heart of God. It is a power often underestimated in a world that frequently values self-promotion and pride. Proverbs 16:18 “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling.” Proverbs 22:4 “The reward […]
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