Sermon Archives

The Gospel of Luke

Luke 9:37-42 Praying Prayers that are Answered

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often find ourselves worrying instead of praying. And even when we do pray often times we doubt that those prayers will get answered. What makes our prayers truly effective in drawing us closer to God and ushering in His blessings into our lives? We will […]


Luke 9:28-36 The Transfiguration of Jesus

Jesus is going to show Peter, James, and John who He really is. Today, we will explore one of the most profound events in the life of our Savior, Jesus Christ – the Transfiguration. The Transfiguration was a moment when Jesus revealed His divine glory to 3 of His disciples. His face shone like the […]


Luke 9:20-27 We Will Not Taste Death if we Take Up Our Cross Dailey

We are commanded to take up our cross and follow Jesus. These words are a call to radical discipleship. Jesus is not merely inviting us to be His admirers or casual followers; He is calling us to be His devoted disciples. It is a call to surrender, to relinquish the throne of our hearts to […]


Luke 9 vs 10 to 20 Feeding of the 5000

Today, we delve into a miraculous event that speaks to the boundless compassion and provision of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Luke 9:10-17, we find the account of the feeding of the five thousand. This narrative teaches us valuable lessons about Christ’s infinite care, our role in His work, and the spiritual nourishment He provides. […]


Luke 9 vs 1 to 10 The Kingdom of God

Today we will delve into a profound and often misunderstood aspect of our faith—the nature of the Kingdom of God and its relationship to the world we inhabit. In a world where confusion and chaos often reign, where suffering and injustice seem to have the upper hand, the question arises: What is the true state […]


Church Part 1 Pentecost and Shavuot – Law Vs. Spirit


Is Your Life Driven by Fear of Faith? Luke 8:40-56

Jesus is in the business of replacing our fear with faith! As followers of Christ, we are called to a life of faith—a life that trusts in God’s goodness, embraces His promises, and overcomes fear through His power. Let us remember that faith is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. May […]


Luke 8 26 to 39 Spiritual battle and delivered from demons

Christians can’t be demon possessed. But some people are oppressed by demons. Pastor Brett gives us a glimpse to the spiritual battle raging all around us! Remember though, great is He that is in us than he that is in the world!


Jesus Calms The Storms of Life! Luke 8:22-26

No matter what challenge, storm, or battle you are facing – Jesus can calm your storms!


Luke 8 vs 19 to 21 Children of God

Did Jesus venerate Mary?  Is Mary omnipresent and can we pray to her?  Who does Jesus consider to be His mother, brothers, and sisters?  Clear teaching from the Word of God by Pastor Brett.  God the Father loves you and you are His precious child if you put your faith in Jesus and obey His […]

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