Luke 8 vs 1 to 15 The Parable of the Sower
Pastor Brett Peterson
Deep stuff here! What is the ‘Kingdom of God’ and where is it? Who has ‘ears to hears’? What does the parable of the sower mean and what is a parable? Let’s go!
Luke 7:36-50 Forgiveness and Peace In Christ
Pastor Brett Peterson
Jesus was having dinner at a Pharisee’s house and a woman, who was a sinner, came in and starting washing Jesus feet with her tears and anointing them with expensive perfume. Jesus forgave her sin, because of her faith, and told her to go in peace – and He tells us the same thing today. […]
Luke 7:11-35 Faith and Wisdom
Pastor Brett Peterson
Jesus cares and wants to fill us with His wisdom – all we have to do is ask.
Luke 7 vs 1 to 10 Faith and the reliability of Scripture
Pastor Brett Peterson
Why are there discrepancies in scripture? In our text today, Luke says a Centurion sent a group of Jewish elders to ask Jesus to heal his servant, but Matthew says the Centurion came himself to ask Jesus to heal him. Listen, the word of God is reliable! This will increase your faith!
Luke 6:37-49
Pastor Brett Peterson
Jesus teaches on the law of reciprocity, and the importance of abiding in Him to bear fruit and obeying His commands to be blessed!
Luke 6 vs. 20 to 36 The Beatitudes
Pastor Brett Peterson
The most radical teaching of Jesus is in this text today!! Love your enemies??? Let’s dive in to the attitudes we need to have as believers in Christ!
Luke 6 vs 12 to 19 Apostles and Empowering of the Holy Spirit For All
Pastor Brett Peterson
We are all sent (that’s what Apostle means – on who is sent) and empowered by the Spirit to be Ambassadors of light to a lost and hurting world! Further, we are royal priests and children of God! You are loved!
Why God Doesn’t Answer Some Prayers and Baby Dedication!
Pastor Brett Peterson
Prayer is important! But there are eight reasons in scripture that tell us why God doesn’t answer some prayers. And the dedication of Isaiah!
Luke 6 vs 1 to 11 A Matter of the Heart
Pastor Brett Peterson
Jesus rocks the Pharisees legalistic views and introduces more New Covenant theology.!
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