Luke 3 vs 21 plus The Baptism of Jesus
Pastor Brett Peterson
Watch the intro first – we had some technical difficulties. Why did Jesus have to get baptized? The powerful significance of Jesus baptism.
Luke 3 vs 1 to 20 John The Baptists Message
Pastor Brett Peterson
John the Baptist was a powerful preacher. In fact, Jesus said: Luke 7:27 “This is the one about whom it is written, ‘BEHOLD, I SEND MY MESSENGER AHEAD OF YOU, WHO WILL PREPARE YOUR WAY BEFORE YOU.’ Luk 7:28 “I say to you, among those born of women there is no one greater than John […]
Luke 2 vs 41 to 52 Jesus at The Temple at Age 12
Pastor Brett Peterson
We don’t know alot about Jesus’ childhood, but in our text today we see Him at the Temple talking to the Priests, Sages, and teachers when He was 12 years old. And, we have the first recorded words of Jesus in the New Testament!
What really happened after Jesus was born?
Pastor Brett Peterson
Mark and John have nothing to say about the events that happened after the Birth of Jesus. But between Luke and Matthew’s narratives, we get exactly what took place.
Luke 2 vs 1 to 20 Rosh Hashanah and The Birth of Jesus
Pastor Brett Peterson
Rosh Hashanah – the Jewish New Year and the first day of the fall feasts and the days of awe! They also believe this was when Adam was created and the messiah will come! And more than likely Jesus was born around this time as well! And this year, 2022, it was a shemitah year!
Luke 2 vs 1 to 5 What Year Was Jesus Born?
Pastor Brett Peterson
What year was Jesus born? Believe it or not, there is a huge debate on this and some even question the veracity of scripture because of it. Pastor Brett digs deep and discovers the best date for our Lord’s birth!
Luke 1 vs 65 to 80 You Are Greater Than You Think! And A Loved Child of God!
Pastor Brett Peterson
In our study today, we will find that Jesus said there is no one greater, of all the men who had been born to this point, than John the Baptist. And then He says, ‘the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he’. How are we greater than John the Baptist? Watch and […]
Luke 1 vs 36 to 80 Part 2 Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Pastor Brett Peterson
Video problem but the audio is fine. Only three people (excluding Jesus) were ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’ (in the New Testament) prior to the resurrection of Jesus. But that was a temporary filling for a specific purpose. After Pentecost, we become the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are constantly filled with the […]
Luke 1 vs 36 to 80 Filled with the Holy Spirit
Pastor Brett Peterson
Only three people (excluding Jesus) were ‘filled with the Holy Spirit’ (in the New Testament) prior to the resurrection of Jesus. But that was a temporary filling for a specific purpose. After Pentecost, we become the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are constantly filled with the Spirit all the time! Note, the video […]
Luke 1 vs 26-35
Pastor Brett Peterson
The most amazing event in the history of the universe! God the Son, emptied Himself of His divine attributes and became a developing embryo in Mary’s womb! The creator became part of His creation! It’s called the ‘Kenosis’. What did Jesus empty Himself of? How did God the Son become a man? Pastor Brett digs […]
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