Sermon Archives


New Years Message Part II

We had technical difficulties – enjoy what you can and then leave the rest.


New Years Message 2022

Pastor Brett delivers the message God placed on his heart for the Church in 2022.  The Seven T’s of life – Your Time, Talent, Treasure, Temple, Testimony, Tribe, and Trajectory.   Making the most of your time for the days are evil.


Christmas 2021 – When Was Christ Born and Why does it matter?

Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies in the Old Testament as to who the Messiah would be.  And His conception and birth are significant and the timing was perfect!


Apologetics Week 13 It’s More Than Just Head Knowledge

Some Christians have great head knowledge about the Bible, but don’t really know Jesus or the empowering of the Holy Spirit.  In Romans chapter eight we are told that ‘those who are led by the Spirit, these are the sons and daughters of God’.  Are you on the narrow path?  Are you pursuing God above […]


Apologetics week 12 Problem of Evil part 6 Free Will

Is it God’s will for all mankind to be saved?  Why did Jesus pray ‘let your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven’?  Does mankind have free will?


Apologetics Week 11 The Problem of Evil part 5 Why doesn’t God just wipe out evil today?

If God could stop all evil today, why doesn’t He?  Maybe He can’t!!!!  You’ll have to watch to see what the Bible has to say!


Apologetics week Ten -The Problem of Evil Part 4- God is self limiting and that’s why there is evil

Why would an all loving all powerful God allow evil and suffering? Could it be that there are certain things God can’t do? Like lie, sin, or break covenant.  God is self-limiting!


Apologetics 2021 Why doesn’t God answer some prayers?

Pastor Brett gives eight reasons God will not answer a prayer and four reasons He doesn’t even hear some prayers!


The Problem of Evil Part II – Who’s in Control of this World?

Who controls this world right now? Why is there evil and sickness and suffering? Satan has control over this world now and in fact Jesus calls him ‘the ruler of this world’. That’s why Jesus told us to pray, ‘Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name, Thy Kingdom come, THY WILL BE […]

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