Sermon Archives


Revelation Chapter 10 – The Angel and the Little Book


Revelation Chapter 9 – Demon Locust and the Abyss

Pastor Brett talkes about the 5th and 6th Trumpet judgments. What is the Abyss and what are the locust and demonic army?


Silence in Heaven then Judgment – Revelation 8

Pastor Brett breaks down why there is silence in heaven and earth just prior to the Trumpet judgments in Revelation 8! He also proves that God give mankind every chance to repent prior to pouring out His wrath on the earth! Deep stuff. Come on in, the Living Water’s fine!


Prayer and Fasting

The importance of prayer and fasting in the Christians life.


God’s Message For the New Year 2019

Pastor Peterson’s ‘P’s for a prosperous New Year… Prepare & Pray to have Peace, Purpose, & Power!People! Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance & Prayer Produces Positive Positioning & Perspective AND Peace Permeates People of Persistent Prayer! Pragmatically Prepare prolifically, putting the pieces in proper position to plan your personal path. Patiently proclaim & praise Jesus! Further – […]


Christmas Sermon 2018 – The Prince of Peace

NOTE: Sound comes on at 2:45 into the video…  If you could bottle something that truly gave you peace, everyone would drink it.  Jesus gives us Living Water and peace that transcends understanding.  He is the Prince of Peace!  Merry Christmas!


Revelation Chapter 7 – 144,000 and The Great Multitude in Heaven


Revelation 6 – The Sixth Seal, The Day of the Lord, and the Rapture of the Church


Jesus tells us the signs of the Rapture – Revelation 6 seals 2-5 and Matthew 24

Pastor Brett shows how Matthew 24 and the signs Jesus gave for His coming (the rapture) totally line up with the first 6 seals of Revelation 6. Deep stuff. Come on in, the living water is fine!


Rise of the Antichrist Part II

How will the whole world follow the false messiah, the mahdi, the Antichrist? Pastor Brett shows us what the Bible says and how all the main religious groups will think he is the one.

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