Sermon Archives


How Could an all Powerful and all Loving God allow Suffering

How could a all powerful and all loving God allow evil, pain, and suffering in the world? This is the most profound argument against the belief in God. What does the Bible say about this important question? Watch and see!


Proof Jesus Lived, Died, and Rose Again

Yes, several Roman historians record the fact that Jesus lived and died under Pontius Pilate.  Pastor Brett gives us all the extra-Biblical proof that Jesus lived, died, and rose again.  He is risen!  Faith is belief + proof – and here’s the proof!


Palm Sunday Prophecy and Why Most Christians are Duped

Daniel gave a specific prophecy about when Messiah would come – and Jesus totally fulfilled that prophecy!  But why do most Christians celebrate ‘Good Friday’?  If Jesus was in the tomb three days and three nights, how could He have been crucified on Good Friday?  Fact of the matter is He couldn’t have and most […]


The Sacrifice of Praise – Experiencing Freedom in Christ

What is ‘sacrifice’? Pastor Brett delves into the Biblical principal of sacrifice, and the two sacrifices God expects us to give in the New Covenant. And in the process, we are set free and experience abundant life in Jesus!


Pastor Chris Brunt – Galatians Chpt. 3

We had some technical difficulties so only the last 6 minutes of the message was recorded.


The Peace Offering

Leviticus 3 is all about the peace offering, the only sacrifice about having peace and fellowship with God and one another.  It is also the only offering that a male or female animal could be sacrificed.  It is all about experiencing God’s peace.


Galatians 2 Part II Pastor Chris Brunt

Pastor Chris B. finishes Galatians chapter 2.


Communion – The Lord’s Supper – What does it mean?

What is the significance of communion?  Is it really necessary for Christians?  Find the answers in this sermon as Pastor Brett gives us exactly what the Bible says and why communion is the most sacred of all Christian activities or sacraments.


Pastor Chris B. Galatians Chapter 2

Pastor Chris Brunt teaches through the first ten verses of Galatians chapter 2.  Where do you get your confidence from?


Biblical Philosophy VII Class 1

What is a worldview and a metanarrative?  You can take this for college credit!  Contact us for more information.

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