The Prodigal Son’s Older Brother

September 28, 2024


Last week we covered the rebellious son who took his inheritance from his dad and moved far away and spent it all on partying and prostitutes. He ended up feeding pigs and starving. He came to his senses and came home with a repentant heart willing to be a slave rather than a son.

He represents the worst, backslidden sinner you can imagine! His dad ran to him and kissed him and put the best robe on him and gave him his signet ring and threw a huge party for him!

That’s what God does for us when we come home! Today, we shift our focus to the older son, who represents the most obedient Christian you can imagine, but in his self righteousness he loses the most important thing… The Father’s love for him and us!

This part of the parable highlights a different kind of distance from the father, not one of physical rebellion like the younger son, but a distance in the heart—marked by self-righteousness, bitterness, and misunderstanding of the father’s love. The father’s response to the older brother is a gentle reminder that all are welcome in his house, and there is always room at the table. The celebration is not about fairness; it’s about grace.

Both sons are invited to the same table—the table of mercy, forgiveness, and love. No matter where we are on our journey, God welcomes us. Both sinners and saints are welcome…