Luke 6 vs. 20 to 36 The Beatitudes
Pastor Brett Peterson
The most radical teaching of Jesus is in this text today!! Love your enemies??? Let’s dive in to the attitudes we need to have as believers in Christ!
Super Bowl Sunday 2023 You are either a Foe Fan or Follower of Christ
Pastor Brett Peterson
Make no mistake about it, you are either a foe to the things of God, a fan that is simply a spectator, or a Christ follower is living a life empowered by God and is pleasing to Him.
Luke 6 vs 12 to 19 Apostles and Empowering of the Holy Spirit For All
Pastor Brett Peterson
We are all sent (that’s what Apostle means – on who is sent) and empowered by the Spirit to be Ambassadors of light to a lost and hurting world! Further, we are royal priests and children of God! You are loved!
Why God Doesn’t Answer Some Prayers and Baby Dedication!
Pastor Brett Peterson
Prayer is important! But there are eight reasons in scripture that tell us why God doesn’t answer some prayers. And the dedication of Isaiah!
Luke 6 vs 1 to 11 A Matter of the Heart
Pastor Brett Peterson
Jesus rocks the Pharisees legalistic views and introduces more New Covenant theology.!
Luke 5 vs 27 to 39 Jesus Introduces a New Covenant is Coming
Pastor Brett Peterson
Jesus educates the the Pharisees – their traditions are not God’s commands and a New Covenant is coming!
Luke 5 vs 12 to 26 Jesus Heals the Leper and the Paralytic
Pastor Brett Peterson
Jesus reveals who He is to a gathering of Priests and heals the leper and the paralytic!
Luke 4 vs 38 to 5 vs 11
Pastor Brett Peterson
In our text today, Jesus will call Peter, James and John to be His disciples and they leave everything to follow Him. We also get a glimpse at Jesus Christ’s prayer life.
Luke 4 vs 21 -37 Jesus Starts His Earthly Ministry
Pastor Brett Peterson
In our text today Jesus will declare He is the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed One! But they reject Him and try to kill Him.
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