Luke 4 vs 38 to 5 vs 11
Pastor Brett Peterson
In our text today, Jesus will call Peter, James and John to be His disciples and they leave everything to follow Him. We also get a glimpse at Jesus Christ’s prayer life.
Luke 4 vs 21 -37 Jesus Starts His Earthly Ministry
Pastor Brett Peterson
In our text today Jesus will declare He is the Messiah, the Christ, the Anointed One! But they reject Him and try to kill Him.
Luke 4:9-13 The Pinnacle of the Temple and 8 ways to combat sin, Satan, and the cares of this world.
Pastor Brett Peterson
The last temptation of Jesus – and He stood on the ‘pinnacle of the Temple’ and Satan asked Him to jump!!! Where is the pinnacle of the Temple? Pastor Brett shows you exactly where it is! And we discover 8 ways to conquer sin, Satan, and the cares of this world! You can do this […]
Luke 4 vs 5 to 8 Temptation of Jesus Part II
Pastor Brett Peterson
The second temptation Satan temps Jesus with is the whole world! Yes, Satan offered to give the whole world to Jesus if Jesus would bow to him! We will find that Satan is the God and ruler of this world right now! And all evil and sickness and pain and death is the result of […]
Luke 4:1-13 The Temptation of Jesus Part I
Pastor Brett Peterson
God can’t be tempted but Jesus was tempted in all things, just like we are, yet without sin. Digging deep into when Satan tempted Jesus for 40 days in the wilderness. Part 1 this week and we will finish our in depth look at this next week.
Luke 3:23-38 The Genealogy of Jesus
Pastor Brett Peterson
One of the big problems with the New Testament is the differences between the genealogies of Jesus between Matthew and Luke. After Abraham, they both have two different genealogies! Pastor Brett unpacks and clarifies exactly why…
Special Guest Dave Plaza on Hearing God’s Voice
Dave Plaza
Dave and his wife Nani have been involved in missions for many years. Today, Dave shares his powerful testimony and preaches on hearing God’s voice.
Intro to Luke 3 vs 21 to 22 The Baptism of Jesus
Pastor Brett Peterson
Had some technical difficulties so this is the intro and the next video is the main message. Something amazing happened when Jesus was baptized!
Luke 3 vs 21 plus The Baptism of Jesus
Pastor Brett Peterson
Watch the intro first – we had some technical difficulties. Why did Jesus have to get baptized? The powerful significance of Jesus baptism.
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