Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning

Luke 1 vs 11-17 Part 1

Elijah the Prophet had to come before Jesus to prepare the people to receive the Messiah. Luke start his Gospel with how that happened, taking off right where the Old Testament left off in the last two verses Malachi 4. But Jesus said Elijah will come again to do the same thing in the last […]


Luke 1 vs 5-10 When was Jesus born? And the privilege of Prayer!

Luke gives us the exact time frame that Jesus was born! And it’s not December!! Also, John’s dad gets the privilege to burn the incense in the Holy Place of the Temple – where we get to go every time we pray!!! Pastor Brett unpacks some deep truths in today’s message on Luke chapter 1 […]


Luke 1 vs 1-4 The Gospel Written By A Roman Doctor to a Roman Politician

Two weeks ago we did the introduction and talked about Luke’s Credentials – Gentile, Doctor, and Historian.  This week we will look at Luke’s methodology – how he ‘investigated everything thoroughly’ so that we would know the ‘exact truth’ about who Jesus is and what He did on earth.  And who the book is written to […]


America July 4th 2022

Was America born a Christian nation? Is that why we were so blessed? Pastor Brett digs into some history on this Sunday before the 4th! When it’s all said and done, what matters most is Faith, Family, Friends, Fellowship, and Freedom!


The Gospel of Luke Intro

We are about to embark on an amazing journey through the Gospel of Luke and his second treatise,  the book of Acts.  We are going to dig deep and see the historical Jesus and and the birth of the church!


Fathers Day 2022 The Love of Our Father

Often, we leave out the greatest Father ever on Father’s Day – God! He loves you so much! Even when we fail, He is always there to encourage us and help us through life’s challenges.


How to deal with grief, loss, and battle

This has been a rough week, as we lost two young people the died and went home to heaven.  How do we, as Christians, deal with loss and battle?  Pastor Brett gives us the Biblical response to loss and life’s challenges.


Going Home for our 20th Anniversary

Today we celebrate our 20th Anniversary as a Church, our first Sunday back at the Water District – where we started the Church twenty years ago!  And, it’s Pentecost Sunday. We have come full circle!  Pentecost is when the Christian Church, almost 2000 years ago was born. And we begin the re-birth of Living Water […]


II John Part III How to Handle Apostates

After attempting to correct (in love) those in doctrinal error, the Bible is clear if they continue in their heresy – we can’t eat with them, invite them to our house, or even greet them! Wow! Is that what the Bible really says? Watch and find out!


II John part II – LOVE!

The one theme of the whole Bible is simply this: Love God, love everyone! But what is love? Pastor Brett breaks it down as we dig into the Apostle of love’s second letter.

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