Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning

Mother’s Day 2022 – To The Chosen Lady And Her Children

We pray you are having or had a super blessed Mother’s Day! We are starting our new tiny book with a powerful message today – II John! And this letter in the Bible is address to ‘The Chosen Lady and her children’. A special Mother’s Day message..


Jude 6 – 7 Action Points to be Pleasing Children of God

Jude ends his letter with seven things we need to be doing to combat the apostate church.


Jude 5 Recognizing Apostate Christians

We continue our deep dive into the book of Jude.


Easter Resurrection Sunday – Proof Jesus lived, died, and Rose again!

Extra Biblical documents that verify Jesus lived, was crucified, and rose from the grave!!!! Proof exists! And If you put your faith in Jesus, He will go before you and bless you!


Palm Sunday 2022

They all thought Jesus was Messiah!  Hosanna!  Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!  But days later shouted ‘crucify Him’.  What day was Jesus crucified?  And what year was He crucified? Pastor Brett digs deep and brings clarification to these questions and more!


Jude 14-16 Apostates Twist Scripture

We continue in our study through the book of Jude.  Six more characteristics of Apostate Christians in the end times apostasy.  They all twist scripture to fit their world view or to be in line with cultural norms.


Jude Verses 12 and 13 Love Feasts

Jude continues to give us characteristics of apostate Christians.  One of the 8 we will cover today is that they are ‘hidden reefs’ in our ‘love feasts’.  KJV says ‘stains’ – bad translation.  Let’s dive deep into the book of Jude (or in the Greek ‘Judas’).


Jude vs 6 to 11 Recognizing Apostate Christians


Jude vs 4 plus Recognizing the Apostate Church

The Bible states over and over in the last days there will be a great apostasy.  What will the apostates look like?


Jude. Contending For The Faith and Unmasking The Apostate Church

We are going to go through all the ‘small’ books of the Bible starting today.  And we will start with Jude.  Today is the introduction to this powerful book in the Bible.

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