Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning

Apologetics Week 11 The Problem of Evil part 5 Why doesn’t God just wipe out evil today?

If God could stop all evil today, why doesn’t He?  Maybe He can’t!!!!  You’ll have to watch to see what the Bible has to say!


Apologetics week Ten -The Problem of Evil Part 4- God is self limiting and that’s why there is evil

Why would an all loving all powerful God allow evil and suffering? Could it be that there are certain things God can’t do? Like lie, sin, or break covenant.  God is self-limiting!


Apologetics 2021 Why doesn’t God answer some prayers?

Pastor Brett gives eight reasons God will not answer a prayer and four reasons He doesn’t even hear some prayers!


The Problem of Evil Part II – Who’s in Control of this World?

Who controls this world right now? Why is there evil and sickness and suffering? Satan has control over this world now and in fact Jesus calls him ‘the ruler of this world’. That’s why Jesus told us to pray, ‘Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed by thy name, Thy Kingdom come, THY WILL BE […]


Apologetics Seminar Class 8 – The Problem of Evil Part I

What is evil? If God is all powerful and all loving, why is there evil? Did God create evil? Are demons real? Pastor Brett dives into these questions today!


Apologetics Seminar Class 7 – Q & A

Most of the video the audio blows out, so we will start the video where the audio is good at around 36 minutes into the sermon.  Great exhortation there on the power of prayer and the authority of beleivers.


Apologetics Seminar 6 – Bibliology

Is the Bible the reliable sacred Word of God?  Has it been edited or changed?  How do we know the Bible is God’s Word?


Apologetics Seminar 5 Science and Scripture

Science and scripture are like two opposing fingers, because together you can grasp everything.  That is why many atheist or agnostic scientists have seen the hand of God in science and have come to follow Jesus Christ!


Apologetics Seminar 3 – The Trinity Explained

Is God the author of confusion?  No!  Pastor Brett digs into what the Bible says ‘oneness’ is and gives a Biblical view of the God-head.   Let’s look at what the Bible says about the Trinity!

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