Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning

God Became a Man – The Kenosis

God became man.  The most profound event in history.  Period.  What Jesus gave up, and the extent of the Kenosis, is one of the most radical truths in scripture!


Philippians 1 27 to 30 Live lives of Love Pleasing to the Lord


Walking In A Manor Worthy of the Gospel Philippians 1 vs 27 Plus a Baby Dedication

How can we live our lives ‘worthy of the Gospel’?  Pastor Brett unpacks what that means in our daily walk with Jesus!


Sunrise Really ‘Son’rise Service at Living Water

Watch the sun come up as we worship and celebrate at our ‘Sunrise service!


Easter – Resurrection Sunday

Extra Biblical proof of Christ’s life and death, with even a non Christian historian speaking of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead!


Palm Sunday 2021 – Contradictions and the Biblical Account

Are there contradictions in scripture?  Is the Bible reliable?  We dig into it!  Next week is extra Biblical proof of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.  Let’s go!


Philippians 1:13-26 Be Ready In Season and Out of Season

Be ready in season and out of season.  Pastor Brett breaks down what this means to each of us as Christians.


You Will Know Them by Their Fruits – Philippians 1:10-11

Let’s be real. We know people by their words and by their actions -what they do and say. But we don’t know their motives or if they are sincere. God gives believers two kinds of fruit talked about in scripture. The fruit of the Spirit and the fruit of righteousness. One is that inner self […]


Philippians Chapter 1 vs 1 through 8

He who began a good work in you will complete it!


Philippians – An Amazing Journey – Introduction

This is going to be an amazing journey through the book of Philippians! Today, Pastor Brett gives us an introduction to this life changing book! Philippi was a very rich city filled with educated and successful people, many of whom were retired elite from Rome. It was the first Church on European soil, so the […]

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