Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning

When will the Rapture happen? Part I


A look at the Antichrist

A brief summary of who the Antichrist may be…


2020 Current Events and Bible Prophecy

Are global events and geopolitical alliances lining up with bible prophecy and what the Bible says will occur in the last days or end times? Watch last weeks message and this weeks to see that everything happening in the world today, including Trumps peace treaty between Israel and UAE is fulfilling Bible prophecy before our […]


Forty Weeks Week 23 Fulfilled Prophecy to Current Update Fall Feasts 2020 Pt III

Fulfilled prophecy from 1917 to current! The Bible told us what would happen in the last days!  It is clear we are in the last days!


40 Weeks week 22 Fall Feasts pt II Rosh Hashanah

When does the Rapture happen and did Jesus give us signs that must take place prior to the Rapture? And how is the feast of Rosh Hashanah related to the Rapture of the Church?


40 Weeks Week 21 Fall Feasts 2020 pt I

Pastor Brett talks about the Fall feasts and the days of awe as Rosh Hashana is this Friday at sunset. The spring feasts all point to Jesus’ first coming, and the fall feasts point to the Rapture of the Church and the Day of the Lord.


40 Weeks to Freedom Week 20 You Matter No Partiality

You matter to God and us at Living Water! So many are dealing with anxiety, worry, depression, and suicidal ideation. God love you so much! And God does not show partiality! God love the whole world regardless of the color of your skin or your position in life.


How to make your crazy house a heavenly home. Love & Marriage week 19

40 Weeks to Freedom week 19 – How to make your worldly house a heavenly home. Love and marriage, family and friends, are the most important things on earth. If you want a marriage made in heaven, you should simply do what our handbook for life – the Bible instructs you to do. God wants […]


40 Weeks to Freedom Week 18 Ambassadors pt 5

Pastor Brett preaches it right here and toes will be stepped on!  Jesus said ‘love your neighbor as you love yourself’.  How you doing at that?  Do they know you’re a Christian?  Have you shared the Gospel with your neighbors?   Are you witnessing at all?  If not, are you really a Christian??  We are […]


40 Weeks to Freedom Week 17 Ambassadors pt 4

Are you making the most of your time and asking God to equip you and show you His will for your life? Make the most of your time, for the days are evil. It’s time to stand up for truth and shine your light as Ambassadors of Jesus!

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