Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning

Pastor Brett Super Bowl 2020 Sermon Determination vs. Destiny or Determinism

Are you in the game or sitting on the bleachers?  Is life and everything that happens predetermined or do we have free will?  Pastor Brett continues to dive into scripture to see what God has to say…


Fear Not

Pastor Chris preaching on having faith, not fear!


Amos 3 Does God Cause Calamity Part I

When an earthquake hits and kills hundreds of people, did God cause that?  Does God tempt you to do evil?  Pastor Brett digs into these questions and more…


Fasting for the Ekklesia

Pastor Brett preaches on the importance of fasting and the getting ready for 2020!


God’s Message for The New Year For 2020 Vision

What does the year 2020 have in store for us?  What can we expect in 2020?  What is God’s message to the Church for 2020?  Pastor Brett heard from God and delivers His message for the Ecclesia – Ekklesia – the Church.


Pastor Chris Preaching The Word

Encouraging sermon from Pastor Chris.


Hanukkah and Why Christians Should Celebrate the Feasts of the Lord

Is Christianity true Judaism or fulfilled Judaism? Should Christians celebrate the feasts of the old testament? Did Jesus celebrate Hanukkah? Pastor Brett digs deep into the answers to these questions and more…


Amos Chapters 1 and 2

Pastor Brett going deep in Amos chapters 1 and 2!


Pastor Chris – Choose Life

Pastor Chris preaching on choosing to follow the Lord Jesus!


Introduction to Amos – Prepare to meet God

Pastor Brett gives us an introduction to the Minor Prophet Amos.  The theme of all the prophets is ‘choose you this day whom you will serve’ and repent or judgment is coming.

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