Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning

144,000 & First Fruits – Covenants & Peoples – Revelation 14

Revelation 14 goes deep and employs a paranthetical in the flow of Revelation.  Who are the 144,000?  When is the new covenant complete?  What is the covenant God makes with the people during the millennial reign of Christ?  And who are the nations that live on the New Earth for eternity that aren’t part of […]


The Antichrist Part II – Revelation 13

Pastor Brett talks about the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the mark of the beast – 666. And why did Pope Francis sign a document that states it was God’s will for the many religions!!!


The Antichrist Part II – Revelation 13

Pastor Brett finishes chapter 13 of Revelation and talks about the Antichrist, the False Prophet, and the Mark of the Beast.


The Antichrist – Revelation 13 Part I

Who is the antichrist? What will he do? Pastor Brett talks about the coming false messiah.  And he will be embraced by Jews, Muslims, and the apostate church!


Revelation 12 – The Woman, The Child, & The Dragon

Revelation 12 is occurs at the mid-point of the 70th week of Daniel, or 3.5 years into the last 7 years often times called the ‘Tribulation’. Also, it is the center of the entire book of Revelation. Pastor Brett digs deep as we look at who the woman clothed with the sun is, who the […]


The Temple, The Witnesses, & The King – Revelation 11

Revelation 11 is all about the rebuilding of the Jewish temple, the two witnesses who will prophecy in the last days, and exactly when Jesus becomes King of Kings.  Who is king of this world right now?   Who is king of heaven right now?


Revelation Chapter 10 – The Angel and the Little Book


Revelation Chapter 9 – Demon Locust and the Abyss

Pastor Brett talkes about the 5th and 6th Trumpet judgments. What is the Abyss and what are the locust and demonic army?


Silence in Heaven then Judgment – Revelation 8

Pastor Brett breaks down why there is silence in heaven and earth just prior to the Trumpet judgments in Revelation 8! He also proves that God give mankind every chance to repent prior to pouring out His wrath on the earth! Deep stuff. Come on in, the Living Water’s fine!


Prayer and Fasting

The importance of prayer and fasting in the Christians life.

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