Angels and the 24 Elders Revelation 4:4-11
Pastor Brett Peterson
NOTE: Sound is out at time marker 11:50 and comes back on at 19:31 Who are the 24 Elders on thrones around the throne of God? Are they the governing Angels? What does the Bible say? Pastor Brett teaching on Angels and the council of 24.
Heaven -What The Bible Has To Say – Revelation 4:2-6
Pastor Brett Peterson
What is heaven like? Where did God live prior to creation? Do we go to heaven when we die? Pastor Brett Peterson gives us what the Bible has to say about Heaven! As Christians, Heaven is our true home!
The Red Church – Progressive, Emergent, and the Apostate Deconstructionists
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett gives us what the Bible says about the apostate church of the last days, and how neo-orthodoxy laid the foundation for the ‘Red Church’. What are the ‘Red Church’ and the ‘Blue Church’? How in the world did we get to this clash of cultures in America? Let’s go deep – come on […]
The Coded Message in The Seven Churches & Revelation 4:1 – The Rapture?
Pastor brett
The names of the seven churches contain a coded message for Christians who will be here during the first half of the the 70th week of Daniel. Also, there is no way the Rapture occurs in Revelation 4:1 !
The Rapture Part II – Did Jesus Tell Us When It will Happen?
Pastor Brett Peterson
We have been told the Rapture is a secret event, and all of a sudden millions of people will just disappear and no one will no where they went. Is that what the Bible says? Also, many Bible scholars say that there are NO signs left that must take place prior to the Rapture. Pastor […]
The Rapture Part 1 – The Feast of Trumpets and the Rapture
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett teaches on the significance of the Fall Feasts and the clues Rosh Hashanah (The Feast of Trumpets) gives us a clue as to where the Rapture fits on the prophetic timeline of end time events. Next week we will go over all the signs given us that must occur before the Rapture happens.
Revelation 4 Intro – Proof The Bible Is True – Fulfilled Prophecy and End Times
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett goes over the fulfilled prophecies and where we are heading.
Moving From Mediocrity to Marvelousness – Revelation 3 Laodicea – The Lukewarm Church
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett gives us 7 steps on what Jesus told the lukewarm church to do to move from lukewarm to hot and zealous for the things of God. This is the last of the seven letters to the churches in Revelation.
When Jesus Open’s Doors Before You (and sometimes shuts). Revelation 3:8-14
Pastor Brett Peterson
We need to look for the doors that open for us to share our faith and be Christ’s Ambassadors to a lost and hurting world!
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