Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning

Sardis – The Dead Church – 7 Steps for Revival – Revelation 3:1-6

Pastor Brett gives us 7 steps to experience an awakening and revival!  The Church of Sardis was sleeping and dead – Jesus tells them what to do to get revived.


Jezebel, Women Pastors, and the Apostate Church – Revelation 2 The Church of Thyatira

Pastor Brett Peterson exegetes Revelation 2:19, Christ’s letter to the Church of Thyatira – the Apostate Church.  This church was growing in faith, love, service, and perseverance.  Their deeds were better than when they started.  They did everything right except one thing.   Their sin was they allowed Jezebel to teach and lead the saints […]


The Throne of Satan & Where Antichrist May Come From

We are going through the book of Revelation, and we made it to Revelation 2:12-17.  This is that Church that lives ‘where Satan’s throne is’.   Does Satan have a throne in a geographic location on earth??  Let’s see what the Bible says as Pastor Brett Peterson teaches through this fascinating chapter, and gives us […]


The Coming Persecution in America

This nation was born a Christian nation, but America is no longer a Christian nation.  In fact, it appears we are headed for persecution as Evangelical Christians.


Revelation 2:7-11 The Persecuted Church

Pastor Brett gives us a view of Smyrna- the Church that is persecuted.


Have You Left Your First Love? Revelation 2:1-7 Ephesus

Revelation 2 – The letters to the seven churches – today Pastor Brett Peterson goes over Ephesus – the church doing so much, but they left their first love.


Man Up! Father’s Day 2018 Message Press On and Endure

Pastor Brett talks about men being men again.  It’s time to Man Up and be a man of integrity, honor, nobility, and manliness.


What if God Wrote You A Letter? Intro to Revelation chapters 2-3 Letters to the Seven Churches

Pastor Brett Peterson introduces the seven (7) letters to the 7 Churches in Revelation chapters 2 and 3.


Pastor Chris Brunt – Jude – False Teachers

Pastor Chris Brunt goes through the book of Jude and expounds upon the theme – false teachers in the last days…


What Does Jesus (And God the Father) Look Like? Revelation 1:10-20

Pastor Brett goes through John’s vision of the glorified Jesus – a physical description of what Jesus looks like now!  And, God the Father looks just like Jesus!  We are created in their image AND likeness!  Does God the Father have physical form?  Let’s see what the Bible says…

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