Christmas – When the Sacred Became the Simple – God became flesh
Pastor Brett Peterson
What Christmas is really about.
Jerusalem and the Feast of Lights
Pastor Brett Peterson
What about President Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel? What about Hanukkah – the Feast of dedication and lights? The importance of these two events in light of God’s jubilees and Biblical prophecy.
Winds of Change – Preparing for Change in 2018
Pastor Brett Peterson
Winds of change are blowing, and 2018 will be a year of change. Are you prepared for a new beginning? A fresh start? Pastor Brett preaching on how to prepare for the winds of change coming in 2018.
Give Thanks – Thanksgiving 2017
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett preaching his Thanksgiving message.
Covenant and Community Part II Leviticus 17:11
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett leads us through the eight covenants contained in the Bible. Yes, there are 8! God’s covenant with Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, the new covenant through Christ, the millennial covenant, and the final or eternal covenant. And that final covenant on the new earth is amazing! Get ready, we dive deep into the […]
Leviticus 17:1-10 Community and Covenant Part I
Pastor Brett Peterson
What happened to the sense of community we used to have in Church? God is concerned about community, especially in the Church. Pastor Brett preaches on what it means to be part of the Body of Christ, the Church.
The Priest & The Scapegoat – Leviticus 16
Pastor Brett Peterson
The Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, and the idea of substitutionary atonement. For God and for Azazel – what did the two goats of the sin offering mean and how do they point to Jesus? Pastor Brett unpacked Leviticus 16 and the mysteries of the Day of Atonement.
Rapture Part IV
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett continues to explain what the Bible says about the Rapture and when it will occur.
The Rapture Part II and the Day of Atonement
Pastor Brett Peterson
When does the rapture take place? Are there signs to watch for? Watch The Rapture part I – The feast of Trumpets first, then watch this as Pastor Brett shows what the Bible says about the Great Tribulation, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, and the Rapture of the Church – the First Resurrection.
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