Experiencing the Glory of God Part II
Pastor Brett Peterson
7 Steps to experiencing the Glory of God in your life. As Aaron and his sons were ordained in Leviticus chapters 8-9, there are seven things they did that allowed them to become ordained, anointed as priests, and experience God’s glory.
Experiencing the Glory of God – Pentecost Sunday 2017
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett preaching on Pentecost – experiencing the Glory of God in your daily life. Oh, saints of God, we are joint heirs with Jesus and are ordained as Royal Priests! Pentecost – the giving of the law in Exodus and the outpouring of the the Holy Spirit in Acts, is a pivotal feast. Law […]
Taking the Oath – The Anointing and Ordination
Pastor Brett Peterson
We are Royal Priests, Ambassadors of God’s Kingdom, and active duty soldiers in God’s army. We will reign with Christ for 1000 years on this earth. It’s time to start asking God for the baptism and anointing of the Holy Spirit and start experiencing the fruit of the Spirit in your life! And not just […]
We Have Royalty In Our Veins – Leviticus 8
Pastor Brett Peterson
Do you realize that as a Christian, you are a Royal Priest, a joint heir with Jesus, and an Ambassador of light? You indeed have royalty in your veins! Join us as Pastor Brett preaches on Leviticus chapter 8, regarding the ordination of the Levitical priests and how we are Royal Priests in the New […]
Mother’s Day 2017
Pastor Brett Peterson
What you wear becomes the perception of who you are to those around you. The clothes of a Godly woman – Strength – Dignity – Wisdom – Righteousness – Power
Guest Pastor Sam Parsons
Pastor Sam Parsons
Pastor Sam Parsons preaching at Living Water.
Prayer Changes Things – 5 Sacrifices in the New Covenant
Pastor Brett Peterson
Five sacrifices in the New Testament, New Covenant. Today, Pastor Brett gets into the first two of the 5. Those are Tithes and Prayer/Praise. And in prayer, there are prayers God doesn’t hear, and there are things you can do to make sure God hears your prayers. Prayer really does change things! You have not, […]
How Could an all Powerful and all Loving God allow Suffering
Pastor Brett Peterson
How could a all powerful and all loving God allow evil, pain, and suffering in the world? This is the most profound argument against the belief in God. What does the Bible say about this important question? Watch and see!
Proof Jesus Lived, Died, and Rose Again
Pastor Brett Peterson
Yes, several Roman historians record the fact that Jesus lived and died under Pontius Pilate. Pastor Brett gives us all the extra-Biblical proof that Jesus lived, died, and rose again. He is risen! Faith is belief + proof – and here’s the proof!
Palm Sunday Prophecy and Why Most Christians are Duped
Pastor Brett Peterson
Daniel gave a specific prophecy about when Messiah would come – and Jesus totally fulfilled that prophecy! But why do most Christians celebrate ‘Good Friday’? If Jesus was in the tomb three days and three nights, how could He have been crucified on Good Friday? Fact of the matter is He couldn’t have and most […]
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