Luke 13:10-17 Thankful for the Miracles in our Lives!
Pastor Brett Peterson
A woman, after 18 years of pain a debilitation, was healed by Jesus! Whether through physical healing, spiritual renewal, or acts of compassion, the glorious works of Jesus inspire us to glorify God with sincere and joyful thanksgiving. May we, like the woman and the crowd, recognize and rejoice in the marvelous things Jesus is […]
What Happened to America?
Pastor Brett Peterson
In the course of history, nations rise and fall, their destinies shaped by the choices they make. Today, we gather not just as citizens but as believers to ponder a crucial question: What has happened to America? Once a beacon of freedom and righteousness, we find ourselves at a crossroads, having drifted from the moral […]
Luke 13:6-9 Bearing Fruit
Pastor Brett Peterson
Today we find that a fig tree that doesn’t bear fruit will be cut down. It is a parable that has significance for all of us today! It appears that if we aren’t bearing fruit we will be cut down as well… Yet, there is hope! Even for the barren fig tree, there was a […]
Father’s Day 2024
Pastor Brett Peterson
The message for us today is a call to action for men to embrace their God-given roles wholeheartedly. By loving their families deeply and engaging in relationships that foster spiritual growth, men can create a legacy of faith and godliness. The power of iron sharpening iron is transformative, not just a Sunday activity.
Repentance – Luke 13:1-5
Pastor Brett Peterson
Repentance is not just a momentary decision but a continuous journey of turning away from sin and turning towards God. Repentance is at the heart of the Gospel message, echoing the words of John the Baptist who proclaimed, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (Matthew 3:2, NASB). It is an invitation to […]
Pentecost Part II – Law vs Spirit
Pastor Brett Peterson
The same Spirit who empowered the apostles to speak in tongues, to perform miracles, and to boldly proclaim the gospel, is available to us. This means that we are not alone in our journey of faith. The Holy Spirit equips us with spiritual gifts, produces fruit in our lives, and enables us to live out […]
The Trinity Explained from Scripture Alone
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett digs deep into what the Bible says about the Tri-unity of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Eph 4:4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as also you were called in one hope of your calling; Eph 4:5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism, Eph 4:6 […]
God Loves YOU Luke 12:54-59
Pastor Brett Peterson
Throughout the pages of the Bible, we encounter countless examples of God’s unwavering love for His children. From the sacrificial love displayed on the cross by our Savior, Jesus Christ, to the countless instances of divine provision, protection, and guidance, we see a consistent theme: God’s love knows no bounds. It is a love that […]
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