Galatians 1
Pastor Chris Brunt
Pastor Chris Brunt kicks off our study on the book of Galatians and covers chapter one.
Why Study Leviticus?
Pastor Brett Peterson + Pastor Chris Fowler
Pastor Chris delivers the homily, followed by the Introduction to Leviticus by Pastor Brett. Why study Leviticus? Watch and find out! It is relevant to so many new covenant theological concepts!
Prophecy Update 2017
Pastor Brett Peterson
Bible prophecy and current events – A brief summary of world events and how they line up with Bible Prophecy in 2017. What does 2017 have in store for us? Why was Trump elected? What about Brexit? Is the Mahdi of Islam the Antichrist? A brief summary of how the nations of the world are […]
Christmas 2016 – Holy Devoted
Pastor Brett Peterson
Our theme for 2017 is Devotion – to be fully devoted to God. This Christmas, let’s receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and let’s give God our complete devotion!
Moving from Ordinary to Extraordinary
Pastor Brett Peterson
God gives you natural abilities, supernatural talents, and the gifts of the Holy Spirit! You are a child of God, and an Ambassador of light! You can move from being just an ordinary person to one who is extraordinary by the power of the Holy Spirit!
God’s Design For Marriage
Pastor Brett Peterson
If we follow God’s design for our marriage, we will have a home that is a sanctuary – filled with love, laughter, and peace. If you are struggling with your marriage you need to watch this!
Thanksgiving – Developing an Attitude of Gratitude
Pastor Brett Peterson
Thanksgiving is a holiday set apart for this nation to give thanks to God for His bountiful blessings. Make no mistake about it, almost every Presidential Thanksgiving proclamation declared thanks to the God of the Bible – and asked the nation to set apart Thanksgiving day as the day to thank Almighty God for His […]
Prayer – Experiencing God in the Tabernacle – Our Sanctuary
Pastor Brett Peterson
Many Christians struggle with their prayer life. The secret to a vibrant prayer life is in the Tabernacle! It is a road map to experiencing God in prayer!
Prayer for the election and intro to The Church – God’s Ekklesia
Pastor Brett Peterson
Just a simple prayer for our nation and introduction to the sermon on the Church – God’s Ekklesia and the Election.
The Church – God’s Ekklesia and the Election – VOTE
Pastor Brett Peterson
Church is a building, but the Ekklesia is the called out ones who assemble together as the Body of Christ. We are also compelled to vote in the election! Whatever candidates that lines up most closely to Biblical ethics we must vote for. No sovereign but God and no King but Jesus!
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