Whine or Shine! Exodus 34:29 Moses Shines
Pastor Brett Peterson
When Moses spent time with God on the mountain, he came down shining with the light of the glory of God! When we spend time with God, we shine! However, when we face trials and difficulties, some of us WHINE rather than SHINE! We need to shine! As the Newsboys sang, “Shine Make ’em wonder […]
Guest Preacher – Pastor PJ from Ireland
Pastor PJ Booth
Pastor PJ preaches on the topics of suffering and forgiveness. Blessed to have Pastor PJ preach the Word at Living Water!
Feast of Trumpets
Pastor Brett Peterson
The Feast of Trumpets – preparing for the Day of Atonement. How this ancient Biblical feast applies to us today as we enter the ‘Days of Awe’. This feast is known as the ‘hidden feast, which no man knows the day or the hour’. Rapture, feasts, and the ‘last trumpet’.
God Reveals Who He Is – YHWH
Pastor Brett Peterson
As Jews all over the world prepare for the days of awe – leading up to Yom Kippur – the Day of Atonement, they pray this passage in Exodus 34 that reveals 13 attributes of God’s mercy – where God reveals to Moses who He really is – a God of love, mercy, grace, and […]
9.11 Memorial Service
Pastor Brett Peterson
We remember the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Some 15 years later, what have we learned?
Exodus 33 – A Meeting With God Part II
Pastor Brett Peterson
Where is you ‘tent of meeting’? God desires to have fellowship with us through prayer and praise. This is part two of our discussion on meeting with God.
Exodus 33 A Meeting With God
Pastor Brett Peterson
God longs for you to spend time with Him in prayer. There are six things that will block your prayers – God won’t hear them! Prepare yourself to meet with God and have your prayers heard!
Pastor Chris Philippians Chapter 1
Pastor Chris Brunt
Pastor Chris B. finishes Philippians chapter 1.
Exodus 32 God is Just – Levites, Priests, & Pastors Part III
Pastor Brett Peterson
God asked the Levites to kill their brothers, sons, and neighbors! Why would a loving God make the Levites kill them to become the Priests of the nation? God is just, but God is also love. Watch to see why God had them kill 3000 men.
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