The Priesthood of Believers
Pastor Brett Peterson
Last Sunday was Ordination Sunday – today is Coronation Sunday – Pastor Brett goes over the high call of each Christian to be a Royal Priest unto God!
Our Church – Mission, Vision, and Ordination Part II
Pastor Brett Peterson
Part two of our reviewing what God has called Living Water to be as a Church along with the Ordination of Pastor Chris Brunt.
Our Church – Mission, Vision, and Ordination
Pastor Brett Peterson
We are studying the birth of the Levitical priesthood, and today, we examine Living Water’s Vision, Mission, and the qualifications of Pastors. We also have the privilege of ordaining Chris Brunt and recognizing our ministry team. This service is split into two videos.
Exodus – Stand With God!
Pastor Brett Peterson
In our text today God is calling us to stand with Him for Truth in the midst of apostasy and Biblical truth being thrown down. The birth of the Levitical priesthood. The call to be royal priests of God. As for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord!
Exodus – The Power of Prayer
Pastor Brett Peterson
Does God actually answer prayer? Why pray? We will discover the power of prayer and that prayer actually changes things!
Exodus – God is Love
Pastor Brett Peterson
Some see the God of the Old Testament as a mean dictator – but God has not changed and we will find that God is Love!
America was a Christian Nation
Pastor Brett Peterson
America was founded on the precepts of the Bible by Christian men – the Godly roots of America.
Pentecost – Law vs. Spirit Part III
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pentecost and Shavuot – the giving of the law bringing covenant to the nation of Israel, and the giving of the Spirit bringing covenant to the Church. Power insights – watch all three videos to dig deep into the significance of Pentecost or Shavuot.
Pentecost – Shavuot – Law vs. Spirit Part II
Pastor Brett Peterson
Law vs. Spirit – the giving of the law and the giving of the Holy Spirit Part II.
Pentecost – Giving of the Law & Spirit – Part I
Pastor Brett Peterson
When God gave Moses the law, 3000 people died. When God gave the Church His Holy Spirit, 3000 people were saved. Law vs. Spirit – the both happened on Shavuot or Pentecost.
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