Super bowl, Football, Playing by the Rules Exodus 23
Pastor Brett Peterson
Every sport has rules. Can you imagine the Super Bowl without rules? How much air should be in the football? The Bible is our rule book for life. The rules are there for God’s glory and our good. God has not changed, and the New Covenant is simply the completion of the Old. Pastor Brett […]
Ten Part II & Exodus 21-22 The Laws 1/31/16
Pastor Brett Peterson
Do you keep the ten commandments? What about the laws regarding slaves – is God condoning slavery? Pastor Brett surveys the laws that God provided the Israelites regarding slavery, property, and other items. Why would a loving God condone slavery? What does the Bible say about abortion and when life begins? These questions answered and […]
Exodus 20:1-19 The Ten Commandments 1/24/16
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett goes through the 10 commandments, explaining and defining all Biblical laws and resolving the debate as to whether or not they are relevant for us today.
Exodus 19:1-17 1/17/16 Moses, Priests, and Who we are in Jesus!
Pastor Brett Peterson
Do you know that when you become a Christian you are a Royal Priest? Who are we in Christ? Check out how relevant Exodus is for the Christian today!
2016 Preparing for the year ahead 12/27/15
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett closes out 2015 in preparation for the year ahead.
God Became Flesh Christ’s Conception 12/20/15
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett examines the Christmas story to find the exact date that Christ was born. Does the Bible give us clues as to when Jesus was conceived, and when Jesus was born? We find out that December 25th might signify something different, yet perhaps more important. It’s the most wonderful time, of the year…
Exodus 17 Water from the Rock 12/13/15 On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand!
Pastor Brett Peterson
On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand! Living Water from the Rock! Pastor Brett clarifies exactly from whom the Israelites and the present Christian obtain their sustenance.
Hanukkah: Festival of Lights, Feast of Dedication 12.06.15
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett tells the history of Hanukkah, why Christians should celebrate it, and what it means for us today. 8 days to re-dedicate yourself, your family, all you own to the Lord!
Exodus 16: Manna, Meat, & Meandering – Grumbling or Grateful? 11/29/15
Pastor Brett Peterson
We find the children of Israel grumbling 45 days into their new found freedom. They wanted to go back to Egypt! God was testing them, and provided all their needs. Are you a grumbler and complainer or someone who is grateful? Storms and tests always come, do you complain or dance joyfully in the rain?
Exodus 15 Israel Sanctified 11/22/15
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett continues the journey through the Bible, where we find the first praise song to the Lord. Israel is sanctified by God for exclusive use.
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