Free but not Delivered – Exodus 13:17-14:31 Crossing the Red Sea 11/15/15
Pastor Brett Peterson
Free but not delivered. Pastor Brett surveys Exodus 13 & 14, wherein the Israelites escape the hand of the Egyptians and fully trust in Yahweh.
Exodus 11-13 Passover 11/8/15
Pastor Brett Peterson + Pastor Chris Fowler
Pastor Chris delivers a homily, and Pastor Brett explains the first Passover, tying it into Christ’s death and communion.
40 Days to Freedom & the Boys of the Bible 11/1/15
Pastor Brett Peterson
What can you accomplish in 40 days? Israel went from slavery to freedom in 40 days. How can you change the course of your life in 40 days? Pastor Brett talks about 3 reasons God is having us do this 40 days to freedom & goes through the Old and New Testaments, using examples how […]
Wine, Water, & Blood – Exodus 7:14-25 1st Plague: Water to Blood 10/18/15
Pastor Brett Peterson
Wine is a gift from God! The law, Moses turns water to blood (pointing to the sacrifice needed for sin). Jesus fulfilled that and in the new covenant He turned water into wine. Pastor Brett surveys the first of ten Egyptian plagues, juxtaposing Moses’ miracle of water into blood to Jesus’ first miracle of water […]
Guest Speaker: Pastor Gerardo Camarena 10/11/15
Pastor Gerardo Camarena
Pastor Gerardo expounds on one of the most impactful verses in the Bible through his testimony – Philippians 1:6 “For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
The Snake & The Sign – Exodus 7:8-13 Miracle of the Staff 10/4/15
Pastor Brett Peterson + Pastor Chris Fowler
Have you ever wondered why God had Moses and Aaron do the ‘staff into a snake’ thing to prove to Pharaoh that they were speaking on behalf of the one true God? We answer that question today! Pastor Chris delivers a homily, and Pastor Brett explains the significance of the miracle of Aaron’s staff, what […]
Exodus 7:1-7 Intro to the Plagues 9/27/15
Pastor Brett Peterson + Pastor Chris Fowler
Pastor Chris delivers a homily, and Pastor Brett gives an introduction to the 10 plagues of Egypt as well as archaeological proof for the plagues.
Exodus 6:10-30 Promises and Prophecy: From Fear to Faith 9/20/15
Pastor Brett Peterson + Pastor Chris Fowler
Pastor Chris delivers a homily. Pastor Brett explains how Moses’ weak character was used by God to make one of the greatest leaders of all time.
In God We Trust? 9/13/15
Pastor Brett Peterson + Pastor Chris Fowler
Pastor Chris gives a homily, and Pastor Brett looks at the roots of this nation to ask: does America still trust in God? Do you trust in God? Message begins at 5:16.
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