Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning

Calvanism vs. Arminianism pt. II – 6/14/15

Pastor Brett continues the discussion on God’s sovereignty and Man’s free will. Part II – Is God able to save everyone but chooses not to? Do we have free will? Does God actually harden peoples hearts so they won’t choose Him? Why Calvinism is a diabolical belief system that is an affront to the character […]


Calvinism vs. Arminianism pt.1- 6/7/15

Part I – Is God able to save everyone but chooses not to?  Do we have free will?  Does God actually harden peoples hearts so they won’t choose Him?  Why Calvinism is a diabolical belief system that is an affront to the character of God!


5/24/15 Pentecost Sunday – The Empowering of the Holy Spirit

God will strengthen and empower you with His Spirit if you simply ask!  Are you tired of trying to do it on your own?  Ask God for that filling of the Holy Spirit!  You do ALL things through Christ who strengthens you!  Pastor Brett reminds us on Pentecost Sunday that the power of the Holy […]


Mother’s Day 5/10/2015 Women of Strength, Dignity, & Wisdom

Moms- when you allow God’s Spirit to empower you, you become women of Strength, Dignity, and Wisdom!  Even when you don’t feel special, you are the apple of God’s eye, a precious daughter of God, a true woman of nobility.  The cares of life don’t worry you and you smile at the future.  Come explore […]


Exodus 3:1-4:14 The Burning Bush and the great I Am 5/3/15


Pastor Chris gives a homily about not using the Lord’s name vainly. Pastor Brett surveys Exodus ch.3, clarifying who speaks and identifies Himself as “I AM.”  The sermon – message starts at 5 minutes and 21 seconds into the video.  Is this a Christophany?  Is Jesus the I Am?  What is God’s name?  Does the […]


Exodus 2 “Prayer” 4/26/15


Pastor Chris delivers the homily, and Pastor Brett surveys the 2nd chapter of Exodus, focusing on the importance of prayer and its impact on one’s day-to-day relationship with God.  Calling Living Water to be a Church of prayer!  The sermon starts at 4 minutes and 13 seconds into the video.


Exodus 1:12-22 Midwives are Heroes – Freedom in Christ 4/19/15

Pastor Brett further clarifies the time and age of the period of the exodus. Hebrew midwives defy the pharaoh’s request to kill the baby males, since they fear God more than Pharaoh.


Exodus – Intro to the historical account – 4/12/15

Pastor Brett lays the foundation for the Book of Exodus, providing proof that both the events did occur and the logic behind its timeline.  We establish the name of the Pharaoh that was king during the time of the Exodus.  Also, Kevin and Grace lead us in the final song…

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