Sermon Archives

Sunday Morning

Genesis 48:3-14 Strength lifes tribulations 2/15/15

Pastor Brett tells the story Israel’s twighlight of life to illustrate how Christians today ought to align their priorities today, for no one is guaranteed tomorrow.


Genesis 47:27-48:2 ‘Kaw-zak’ Finding Strength in the Lord

Pastor Brett reminds us that it is impossible to run from God. Also, Israel dictates to Joseph his last wishes.


The Greatest Christian – Genesis 45:16-28 1/25/15

Pastor Brett teaches what it takes to be greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven. It’s all about trusting God with your life – moving through life with FAITH instead of FEAR.


Chris does the Homily & Kevin teaching – Genesis 44:14-45-15 Joseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers 01/18/15


Chris delivers a homily; Kevin goes through Genesis 44 & 45, where Joseph’s plan with his brothers comes to a conclusion. Message begins at 6:08.


Pastor Chris does the homily then Pastor Brett teaches on Genesis 42:19-44:13 01/11/15


After coming home from Egypt, with Simeon in jail, Jacob refuses to let his youngest go back until they run out of food and he asks God Almighty to give them favor so he sends the brothers of Israel back again; but not before the true character of Jacob and his sons is revealed.


Going Deep – Genesis 42 and the New Year

Pastor Brett parallels the meteoric rise to power of Joseph and what it will take for the Church today to persevere – a call to go deep with the Lord!


Parenting – Making your Home a Sanctuary 12/28/14

Pastor Brett performs a baby dedication, outlining what is expected of godly parents to their children. He also goes over how to have a blessed marriage and a blessed home – a sanctuary from the storms of life!


Nothing Can Separate Me from the Love of God – Pastor Chris Fowler

Pastor Chris outlines 5 different situations in which our relationship with God might be severed, but are instead overcome.


Genesis 41:50-57 & Hanukkah 12/14/14

Pastor Brett finishes chapter 41 of Genesis from last week, and explains the meaning of Hanukkah.


Genesis 41 Joseph’s Promotion 12/07/14

Does God still speak to His people? Are the gifts of the Spirit still active today? Can we still be empowered by the Holy Spirit? Has God ever spoken to you? Joseph is taken out of the dungeon to interpret Pharaoh’s dreams. In turn, he is given all the power to rule over Egypt, second […]

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