Guest Speaker: Pastor PJ from Ireland 11/2/14
Blessed to have Pastor PJ and his wife Elizabeth from Ireland preaching on God’s grace and mercy.
Genesis 37:1-17 Joseph’s Dream 10/26/14
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett profiles the early life of Joseph and highlights it’s importance in respect to his relationship with Jacob.
Home at last – vision of Living Water
Pastor Brett Peterson
We have certainly come a long way! God’s faithfulness to Living Water and our vision for ministry. Pastor Brett reviews Living Water Community Church’s history, and what is required in the future as he delivers the inaugural sermon at our new church home.
Genesis 35:22-36:43 Descendents of Esau 9/21/14
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett outlines Esau’s descendents and the ensuing nation, Edom, examining if the struggle between brothers still exists today.
Genesis 35:1-7 Goofball or Guardian pt.2 9/7/14
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett continues through the book of Genesis, iterating what God commanded Jacob to do to finally be a guardian of his family.
Genesis 34 Jacob the Goofball 8/30/14
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett goes through Genesis 34, finding out what horrors will occur when a man doesn’t guard his family.
Genesis 33 Jacob Reunites with Esau 8/24/14
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett walks us through Jacob’s first meeting with Esau in 20 years. Has Esau forgiven him, or has he held the grudge all this time?
Genesis 32 Jacob Becomes Israel 8/17/14
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett speaks about Jacob’s trip to Bethel, the upcoming confrontation with his brother Esau, and the transformation that takes place along the way.
Genesis 31:22-55 Bethel or Gilead? 8/10/14
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett reviews Jacobs sojurn from Haran to Gilead. However, God commanded him to go to Bethel. So the question is asked to Christian today: are you traveling to Bethel or Gilead?
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