Luke 11:24-26
Pastor Brett Peterson
Beloved, we live in a world where spiritual darkness seeks to infiltrate every corner of our lives and has infiltrated many churches. In our text today, Jesus describes a scenario of a man who was delivered from an unclean spirit. Yet, rather than filling the void left by its departure with the presence of God, […]
New Years Message VI 2024
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett gives us God’s message as we navigate through the tumultuous waters of apostasy and shifting cultural tides, let us anchor ourselves firmly in the unchanging truth of God’s Word. In a world where moral relativism and secular ideologies abound, we are called to stand unwavering in our faith and uphold a biblical worldview. […]
New Years Message Part V
Pastor Brett Peterson
The Church today needs to heed God’s Word and discern our role as the true church amidst a world increasingly swayed by apostasy. In a time where moral relativism pervades, and the foundations of truth are shaken, we are called to stand firm as pillars of righteousness. The Scriptures, our unerring guide, illuminate the path […]
New Years 2024 Part IV Be Pleasing To God!
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett expounds on Ephesians 5:8-21. In Ephesians 5:8-21, the apostle Paul encourages believers to walk as children of light, living in a manner that reflects the goodness and righteousness of God. He emphasizes the importance of avoiding the works of darkness and instead exposing them. Paul urges believers to understand God’s will and to […]
New Years 2024 Part III
Pastor Brett Peterson
Come out and be sepperate from the world Church! And the start of our annual 7 days of fasting and prayer.
Part II New Year 2024 Message – Imitate God!
Pastor Brett Peterson
For part two of our New Year’s message, I felt compelled to share a profound truth that resonates throughout the pages of the Holy Scriptures. Our focus today centers on the timeless wisdom found in Ephesians 5:1-2, where the Apostle Paul urges believers to be imitators of God. In a world filled with diverse influences […]
Christmas Eve – The Miracle of the Magi
Pastor Brett Peterson
The Magi, often referred to as the Wise Men or Kings, were guided by a celestial phenomenon, a ‘star’ that signaled the fulfillment of ancient prophecies. Their pilgrimage to honor the newborn King aligns with the prophetic timeline unveiled centuries earlier in the book of Daniel. Let’s explore the connections between the Magi’s visit […]
Christmas 2023
Pastor Brett Peterson
A message on when Jesus was conceived and God the Son became flesh. And we explore the unparalleled significance of the gift we have received in Jesus—a gift that transcends material treasures and encapsulates the very essence of salvation and eternal hope. Join us as we delve into the scripture, exploring the profound impact of […]
Hanukkah 2023
Pastor Brett Peterson
During the festival of Hanukkah, the lighting of the menorah holds profound significance that points to Jesus and the Church. The menorah, with its central light, the shamash, represents Jesus as the Light of the World, illuminating the darkness and bringing salvation. The progressive lighting of the candles symbolizes the spreading of His light throughout […]
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