Sermon Archives

Pastor Brett Peterson

Press in and Press on – Living Water

If you aren’t growing on your faith journey you are stagnating.  It’s time to press into the Lord and press on to maturity in Christ!


Philippians 3 vs 12 16 Living Water Part 1 Press In and Press On

Press in to the Lord to be filled with His Spirit and press on to accomplish His will for your life!


Saved by Grace Part II

Jesus paid for all you sin on the cross!!! If you have faith in Jesus you are saved, forgiven, and God’s amazing grace has saved you! You will go to heaven!!


If you have Faith in Jesus, You are going to heaven!!

f you have faith in Jesus Christ, you are going to heaven!!!! Don’t let the enemy rob you of your peace in Christ!Pastor


4th of July Message For America

America needs to repent and go back to it’s Judeo-Christian roots!


Coming Home – Philippians Chapter 3

Pastor Brett was going to go in depth on false teachers and apostasy, but the Holy Spirit had a different message for the Church and Christians everywhere!


Father’s Day 2021 – Childlike Faith


Nations on the New Earth – They are not Christians but make it to paradise!!

What happens to people who never had the chance to hear the Gospel?  Will they burn in hell?  NO!!  Those who obey the law of God in their heart will make it to the new earth!!!  Going deep here!


The Millennial Reign – who do we reign over?

Jesus Christ is going to physically reign on this planet and Christians will reign with Him for a 1000 years!


Priesthood of all believers Part II The New Jerusalem our eternal home

The New Jerusalem is huge! It’s God’s house and where all who put their faith in Jesus will live for eternity!

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