Sermon Archives

Pastor Brett Peterson

Rapture Part III


The Rapture Part II and the Day of Atonement

When does the rapture take place?  Are there signs to watch for?  Watch The Rapture part I – The feast of Trumpets first, then watch this as Pastor Brett shows what the Bible says about the Great Tribulation, the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, and the Rapture of the Church – the First Resurrection.


The Rapture And The Feast of Trumpets

The Rapture will come like a thief in the night.  So why are we told that it won’t overtake the church like a thief? 1Th 5:2  For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord will come just like a thief in the night. 1Th 5:3  While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then […]


Purity Law of Leviticus 11-15

Why did God give Israel the dietary laws?  Why was a woman unclean when she gave birth?  Pastor Brett surveys the purity laws contained in Leviticus 11-15 and what (if any) are still applicable to the Church today.


What is God’s Will For My Life???? Part 3

How do we position ourselves to be able to hear God’s still small voice?  Does God still direct people?  Does God have a plan for my life?  Pastor Brett Peterson continues giving us what the Bible has to say about all those questions and more!


What’s God’s will for my life part 2


What is God’s Will for my life???

Pastor Brett continues in The Good, The Bad, and The Holy (Part III), and today he teaches on how to discern and determine God’s will for your life!  God has a plan, and He want’s to reveal it to you!  He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit of God is saying!


The Good, The Bad, and the Holy Part II

Part II on our call to discern between the secular and the sacred, the good and the bad, and the clean and the unclean.


The Good, The Bad, & The Holy Part I

NOTE: The first 20 minutes are echoey, it begins after the echo.  You can start it at the beginning of the message if you slide the bar back to the beginning. Pastor Brett expounds on Leviticus chapter ten, where we find that one of our jobs as royal priests is it discern between the sacred […]


Jesus Our High Priest – legally!

Only a priest could offer sacrifices, and only the High Priest could make atonement for sin.  Pastor Brett shows how Jesus was legally the High Priest when He offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sins.  How? The acting Jewish High Priest gave up the priesthood by doing one thing against the law when he […]

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