Sermon Archives


Christmas and Hanukkah – The True Meaning of Both

Christmas is not about Santa Clause, it is not a fairy tale, it is His-story! It’s all about Jesus! And Hanukkah is all about Jesus and the Church! So take a deep breath, relax, and join us for a journey into the true meaning of Christmas and Hanukkah. The Light of the World – God […]


Christmas 2023

A message on when Jesus was conceived and God the Son became flesh. And we explore the unparalleled significance of the gift we have received in Jesus—a gift that transcends material treasures and encapsulates the very essence of salvation and eternal hope. Join us as we delve into the scripture, exploring the profound impact of […]


Christmas 2021 – When Was Christ Born and Why does it matter?

Jesus fulfilled all the prophecies in the Old Testament as to who the Messiah would be.  And His conception and birth are significant and the timing was perfect!


Christmas 2020 – When The Sacred Became the Simple

Jesus, the one who wrote the code for our DNA and created all things, became a developing embryo in Mary’s womb! When the Sacred became the simple! Pastor Brett gives us what the real miracle at Christmas is…


Christmas Sermon 2018 – The Prince of Peace

NOTE: Sound comes on at 2:45 into the video…  If you could bottle something that truly gave you peace, everyone would drink it.  Jesus gives us Living Water and peace that transcends understanding.  He is the Prince of Peace!  Merry Christmas!


Christmas – When the Sacred Became the Simple – God became flesh

What Christmas is really about.


Christmas 2016 – Holy Devoted

Our theme for 2017 is Devotion – to be fully devoted to God.  This Christmas, let’s receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit and let’s give God our complete devotion!


God Became Flesh Christ’s Conception 12/20/15

Pastor Brett examines the Christmas story to find the exact date that Christ was born. Does the Bible give us clues as to when Jesus was conceived, and when Jesus was born?  We find out that December 25th might signify something different, yet perhaps more important.  It’s the most wonderful time, of the year…


Hanukkah: Festival of Lights, Feast of Dedication 12.06.15

Pastor Brett tells the history of Hanukkah, why Christians should celebrate it, and what it means for us today.  8 days to re-dedicate yourself, your family, all you own to the Lord!


Genesis 40 Joseph Interprets Dreams 11/30/14

Do you ever feel abandoned? Do you know how to persevere through difficult circumstances? Let’s learn some lessons from Joseph – Pastor Brett surveys Genesis chapter 40, wherein Joseph spends time in Potiphar’s dungeon, still using his gifts and giving God glory.