Sermon Archives


Easter Resurrection Sunday – Proof Jesus lived, died, and Rose again!

Extra Biblical documents that verify Jesus lived, was crucified, and rose from the grave!!!! Proof exists! And If you put your faith in Jesus, He will go before you and bless you!


Sunrise Really ‘Son’rise Service at Living Water

Watch the sun come up as we worship and celebrate at our ‘Sunrise service!


The Resurrection of Jesus Christ – All it Takes is Faith

But what is ‘faith’?  Is it a blind leap?  Is it more than hope?  Is there any extra Biblical proof that Jesus lived, died, and rose again?


Resurrection Sunday 4/5/15


In the Homily, Pastor Chris reminds us that if we’re asking for a miracle that doesn’t come, remember that Christ has already performed for us the best miracle of all.  The message from Pastor Brett begins at 6 minutes, eight seconds into the video.  Jesus is Risen!