Sermon Archives


What is The Church? Part 2

The word ‘Church’ isn’t in the original manuscripts. So what is the Church? In the Greek it is Ekklesia. Pastor Brett explains what the Ekklesia actually is.  A powerful assembly of believers!  God’s embassy to a lost and hurting world!


Love, Unity, and the Ekklesia (Church)


Election 2020 – America at the Crossroads

It is time for the true church to be the Ekklesia again! The assembly of free men and women who vote for Christian values. Who stand for Truth. And who are bold Ambassadors of Jesus Christ to a lost and hurting world.


God’s Message for The New Year For 2020 Vision

What does the year 2020 have in store for us?  What can we expect in 2020?  What is God’s message to the Church for 2020?  Pastor Brett heard from God and delivers His message for the Ecclesia – Ekklesia – the Church.


The Church – God’s Ekklesia and the Election – VOTE

Church is a building, but the Ekklesia is the called out ones who assemble together as the Body of Christ. We are also compelled to vote in the election! Whatever candidates that lines up most closely to Biblical ethics we must vote for.  No sovereign but God and no King but Jesus!