Sermon Archives

Father's Day

Father’s Day 2024

The message for us today is a call to action for men to embrace their God-given roles wholeheartedly. By loving their families deeply and engaging in relationships that foster spiritual growth, men can create a legacy of faith and godliness. The power of iron sharpening iron is transformative, not just a Sunday activity.


Church part 4 Fathers Day 2023 Mighty Men of God

Have a blessed dads day. God is looking for men to turn into Mighty Men of God! To take the lead in the Church and in their family! Today is the day to let go and let God transform your life!


Fathers Day 2022 The Love of Our Father

Often, we leave out the greatest Father ever on Father’s Day – God! He loves you so much! Even when we fail, He is always there to encourage us and help us through life’s challenges.


Father’s Day 2021 – Childlike Faith


Father’s Day 2016 Part 2

We had some video issues so this is the last part of our Father’s Day message.


Father’s Day 2016

We love our Living Water dads!  Today we honor our fathers.


Genesis Chapter 2 – Father’s Day 2012