Rapture part 5
Pastor Brett Peterson
When will the Rapture take place? Jesus gives us 8 clear signs that happen prior to the Rapture. The Great and Glorious Day of the Lord!
Rapture Part 4
Pastor Brett Peterson
Throughout history, believers have looked to the words of Jesus in Matthew 24 as a guide to understand when the rapture will occur. When the disciples asked, “What will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matthew 24:3, NASB), Jesus did not leave them without an answer. He provided […]
Rapture Part 3 We Will Be Like Him
Pastor Brett Peterson
What will we be like in heaven? What kind of body will we have? Will we recognize one another? Will we be physical or just spiritual? And what happens at the rapture? Let’s see what the Bible says…
Luke 17:20-37 The Rapture Part 2
Pastor Brett Peterson
When Jesus spoke of His return in Luke 17:20-37, He described a time of sudden separation—some taken, others left—just as in the days of Noah and Lot. His words point to the beginning of the day of the Lord, a time of both deliverance and judgment. For those in Christ, this day begins not with […]
Luke 17:20-37 The Rapture Part 1
Pastor Brett Peterson
The one of the most glorious events yet to occur in Bible Prophecy is the Rapture of the Church, that starts the day of the Lord. In our text today, Jesus gives us a glimpse of what it will be like.
When is the Rapture Part II
Pastor Brett Peterson
Get ready to have your mind blown. Everything you may believe is a lie…
40 Weeks week 22 Fall Feasts pt II Rosh Hashanah
Pastor Brett Peterson
When does the Rapture happen and did Jesus give us signs that must take place prior to the Rapture? And how is the feast of Rosh Hashanah related to the Rapture of the Church?
Joel Chapter One – Day of the Lord
Pastor Brett Peterson
Joel 1 – the Day of the Lord – a day like no other. This is prophecy about the end times – this chapter is not historical. And, Pastor Brett establishes that the day of the Lord begins with the rapture of the church and goes right into the wrath of God. Joel, Daniel, Matthew, […]
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