Revelation 19 – Second Coming, Battle of Armageddon & Worship PLUS The Wedding Feast & Wine
Pastor Brett Peterson
What happens after we are raptured? The Bema Seat Judgment for Christians only, a worship service, and a Toga Party in Heaven Worship, The Wedding, & Wine. The biggest celebration ever. Also, everyone in the world use the term ‘Hallelujah’ for praise to God. That word is not used another where in the […]
Babel & Mystery Babylon – As In The Days of Noah
Pastor Brett Peterson
The tower of Babel – do we have extra-biblical evidence it really happened? How about the flood of Noah’s time and the ark? Pastor Brett ties it all together! And relates it to Jesus statement that it will be just like the days of Noah before He comes! Important stuff as we lay the foundation […]
Revelation 12 – The Woman, The Child, & The Dragon
Pastor Brett Peterson
Revelation 12 is occurs at the mid-point of the 70th week of Daniel, or 3.5 years into the last 7 years often times called the ‘Tribulation’. Also, it is the center of the entire book of Revelation. Pastor Brett digs deep as we look at who the woman clothed with the sun is, who the […]
Revelation 6 – The Sixth Seal, The Day of the Lord, and the Rapture of the Church
Pastor Brett Peterson
Jesus tells us the signs of the Rapture – Revelation 6 seals 2-5 and Matthew 24
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett shows how Matthew 24 and the signs Jesus gave for His coming (the rapture) totally line up with the first 6 seals of Revelation 6. Deep stuff. Come on in, the living water is fine!
The Coded Message in The Seven Churches & Revelation 4:1 – The Rapture?
Pastor brett
The names of the seven churches contain a coded message for Christians who will be here during the first half of the the 70th week of Daniel. Also, there is no way the Rapture occurs in Revelation 4:1 !
The Rapture Part II – Did Jesus Tell Us When It will Happen?
Pastor Brett Peterson
We have been told the Rapture is a secret event, and all of a sudden millions of people will just disappear and no one will no where they went. Is that what the Bible says? Also, many Bible scholars say that there are NO signs left that must take place prior to the Rapture. Pastor […]
The Rapture Part 1 – The Feast of Trumpets and the Rapture
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett teaches on the significance of the Fall Feasts and the clues Rosh Hashanah (The Feast of Trumpets) gives us a clue as to where the Rapture fits on the prophetic timeline of end time events. Next week we will go over all the signs given us that must occur before the Rapture happens.
Revelation 1:6-8 Every Eye Will See Him
Pastor Brett Peterson
Sorry for the sound quality – we are still setting up our system in the new facility. Pastor Brett examines Revelation chapter 1, verses 6-8. What does it mean that we are a royal kingdom of priests? When Jesus returns in the clouds and every eye sees Him, is that the rapture or the second […]
Rapture Part IV
Pastor Brett Peterson
Pastor Brett continues to explain what the Bible says about the Rapture and when it will occur.
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