Rapture part 5
Pastor Brett Peterson
When will the Rapture take place? Jesus gives us 8 clear signs that happen prior to the Rapture. The Great and Glorious Day of the Lord!
Revelation 12 – The Woman, The Child, & The Dragon
Pastor Brett Peterson
Revelation 12 is occurs at the mid-point of the 70th week of Daniel, or 3.5 years into the last 7 years often times called the ‘Tribulation’. Also, it is the center of the entire book of Revelation. Pastor Brett digs deep as we look at who the woman clothed with the sun is, who the […]
The Coded Message in The Seven Churches & Revelation 4:1 – The Rapture?
Pastor brett
The names of the seven churches contain a coded message for Christians who will be here during the first half of the the 70th week of Daniel. Also, there is no way the Rapture occurs in Revelation 4:1 !